
Sometimes I Feel SO Done

I do.  There are days, many days that I think, I can not possibly do this any longer.  If I don't leave this job my sanity is going to go.  I might have a heart attack or stroke, am I having one right now?  I sometimes have a doctor's appointment right after school and they always tell me my blood pressure is high- it's all I can do to not yell at them- OF COURSE IT IS! I don't understand how it can be expected for us to do it all.  I hate feeling like I can't and I think a lot of teachers agree.  Doing that extra committee or activity or working longer hours and having less resources, you think - it sucks but I'm good at my job, I can make it work. Do you want to know what really makes my blood pressure rise?  When people say something along the lines of "But aren't you in it for the kids and not JUST the money?" DO NOT make me feel guilty for wanting a living wage, RESPECT and the proper resources in order to do my job. DO NOT make me fee

How much is too much?

Hello Lovely People of the World, I know I have not written in a few weeks.  Things at work have been so hectic and at home my partner and I have been doing a lot of things around our house and trying to visit family and on and on.  You all know what I'm talking about! I honestly think another reason is that so many little things have been building up that I thought if I sat here and wrote about it I'd already have one of "those" posts.  You know, the not so nice, harshly worded, not always appropriate rants about teaching and education.  I wasn't sure I wanted to go there yet. We have been in school for 1/4 of the year and there have already been more times than I can remember where I thought, why am I here?  Is the stress and worry and sleepless nights and too much work and daily battles worth it all? I feel I am moving closer and closer to a post where I freely express my frustrations with things, but (sadly) there are so many of them that I'm not s

Letting Go Just A Little

Hello Lovely People, It's been 2 weeks since my last post.  My goal was absolutely once a week, but I was also aware of how there would be times I would not do that.  This was one of those times.  This year I have really started to try and be more thoughtful and aware of, not necessarily my limitations, because like most good teachers, we could keep pushing and pushing ourselves, but to be aware and respectful of my time and energy.  Basically myself.  I understand that as I teach longer I feel more confident and really "know my stuff" so I am able to let go a tad, but I also feel as I have more and more responsibilities every year in my school, I've eased up on myself and how much I expect to be able to do, which is a bit ironic. There always seems to be more to do.  It took me many years to truly understand that.  I could stay late or bring work home every single night, but it would never be done.  Never.  There is always some more to do, more that can be done.


The Kondo method.  Who's seen it?  Who's done it?  Who's tried to do it?  Who watched the show and thought, that's good enough?  (Proudly raises my hand) My boyfriend and I watched Marie Kondo's new show once or twice and immediately felt like we needed to clean things out and we did, and we do on a pretty continuous basis but taking the time to see if something sparks joy, not for me.  I applaud people that can do that and feel it helps them rid themselves of unnecessary things in their life.  Getting organized and decluttering are not easy tasks.  I personally love organizing (maybe it's a teacher thing) but I will say that I will NEVER fold my t-shirts that special way! One place I have always had trouble with decluttering is my classroom.  I'm sure so many of you would agree with this.  The mentality of "I could use this one day" or "What if I don't have enough of these another year?" keeps many of us full of things we don'

I've Got the Sunday Night Blues

This year I'm trying really hard to not have the Sunday night blues.  The last few years I've actually been starting to have the Saturday night blues, knowing that the next day was Sunday and then it would be Monday.  That seems ridiculous, even to me! I've been thinking about ways to get over that feeling of dread because it's not that I don't like my job or enjoy what I do, but the whole process of getting up early, driving in traffic, being responsible and "on" for 8 hours straight for the next 5 days already has me exhausted.  I've been trying to set boundaries of work I do at home but at the same time, getting a few things done over the weekend makes me feel more prepared for the week ahead and less "dready" (is that a word??, well, it is now!) I'd love to hear how others find ways to make the thoughts of Mondays not seem so bad?  How much time, if any, do you allow yourself to work over the weekend?  I know that is a hot topic w

Two Weeks In

It's hard to believe I am two weeks into this new school year.  9 days of school.  I feel like I know my students really well and they are already getting all the routines down.  Yet, when I stop and really think about just NINE days, that is really no time at all. Many teachers discuss how September is a really hard month and you sometimes wish you could skip  right past it.  You want to have students know what to do, you want beginning of the year assessments over with, and you want to be into the routines of teaching. While I am definitely in agreement of wishing I could sometimes jump ahead to October there really is something special about September.  This week I received my first picture.  Hand drawn on a scrap piece of paper it had little hearts and a message of "I love you.  You are the best teacher!"  (I know, right!?!) Yes, elementary teachers will be gifted several of these types of notes and pictures throughout the year.  One of my many jobs in June is s

TIME! There's NEVER enough time!

Hi Everyone, Although I had just said I was going to probably post about once a week, I figured since I had the day off for Labor Day and I'm just starting out, maybe writing some more would be fun.. I thought I'd share today about something that comes up a lot concerning teachers.  Our time.  How much we do or do not spend at school.  How often we take work home.  What amount of time is exactly spent in front of our students and of course the big one- SUMMER BREAK! It's easy for me to sit at my desk and talk about how much work I do and the time I spend on it.  However, if you are not in the education field it's not something a lot of people realize.  Every year I think about tracking my hours just to get an idea of how much work time I actually do, just for myself, and even though we're about 2 weeks into the new year, I think this could be the year! Most schools take about a week before the students arrive just for teachers.  This time is spent setting up