
The Kondo method.  Who's seen it?  Who's done it?  Who's tried to do it?  Who watched the show and thought, that's good enough?  (Proudly raises my hand)

My boyfriend and I watched Marie Kondo's new show once or twice and immediately felt like we needed to clean things out and we did, and we do on a pretty continuous basis but taking the time to see if something sparks joy, not for me.  I applaud people that can do that and feel it helps them rid themselves of unnecessary things in their life.  Getting organized and decluttering are not easy tasks.  I personally love organizing (maybe it's a teacher thing) but I will say that I will NEVER fold my t-shirts that special way!

One place I have always had trouble with decluttering is my classroom.  I'm sure so many of you would agree with this.  The mentality of "I could use this one day" or "What if I don't have enough of these another year?" keeps many of us full of things we don't and will never use.  Teachers don't always have a lot for their classrooms.  Getting the necessary supplies is often difficult if not impossible.  (Teachers purchasing their own classroom supplies will be a conversation for another day!)

This year I have been determined to clean stuff out, get rid of things and overall make my room not feel like a clutter box!  I always hated walking into my classroom and already feeling overwhelmed
because of how much stuff I had.  How, even though it might have been in bins or crates, it was all just piled up on top of each other.

I must say, I've done well.  I haven't even second guessed my decisions or regretted any of them.  I wish I could tell you how I got to that point but I'm honestly not sure- but it sure does feel good!   I know I have a long way to go but at least I'm going in the right direction!  I don't feel so overwhelmed on a daily basis or feel like the walls are closing in on me.  I still have the things I need and have yet to think, why did I get rid of that!?  I hope that I can continue this and continue to have a more minimalist approved to my classroom, but I'll still never make things stand up by folding them like origami!

How do some of you find the balance of keeping things "just in case" vs. cleaning out?  And if you do decide to clean out, how do you stick with it?

Image result for decluttering meme


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