How much is too much?

Hello Lovely People of the World,

I know I have not written in a few weeks.  Things at work have been so hectic and at home my partner and I have been doing a lot of things around our house and trying to visit family and on and on.  You all know what I'm talking about!

I honestly think another reason is that so many little things have been building up that I thought if I sat here and wrote about it I'd already have one of "those" posts.  You know, the not so nice, harshly worded, not always appropriate rants about teaching and education.  I wasn't sure I wanted to go there yet.

We have been in school for 1/4 of the year and there have already been more times than I can remember where I thought, why am I here?  Is the stress and worry and sleepless nights and too much work and daily battles worth it all?

I feel I am moving closer and closer to a post where I freely express my frustrations with things, but (sadly) there are so many of them that I'm not sure what I should begin with and deciding what is most important to me?  

I'd love to hear- what makes you the MOST frustrated?  What is the biggest thing to piss you off and make you want to throw your hands up in the air and yell "I'm done!"

I feel I will be doing some self-reflection this week about what I want to say, how I can say it so that people truly understand teacher frustrations, but in a way that will make people listen!

So teachers, how much should we just deal with, how much should we let it go, how much should we get over things and just do our job?

How much is too much?


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