Brand New Pencils

I've thought about this for a long time.  I talked about this for a long time.  I always said I was too busy and didn't know where to begin.  The truth was, I was worried I didn't have enough to say or anything meaningful to add to the conversation. 

I love my job.  Let me say that again for those of you in the back- I love my job.  My job is to teach.  I teach reading, writing, math, science, social studies, social skills, health, etc.  But that is not where my job ends, far from it.  That is where it only slightly begins.  The add ons, other duties and basic extra expectations placed on teachers is endless.  There are days I come home and think, did I actually teach my students anything today?  

I have always been open about my feelings on teaching and the problems in education because they are there- but being a vocal teacher can be difficult.  Explaining to non-teachers and law makers who have never stepped foot into a classroom feels useless.  It is a never ending battle.  

I am so overwhelmed sometimes with how much I am willing to do and give to my students and my job.  I am also overwhelmed by the demands and the feeling of "it's never enough."  My dedication is completely genuine and yet it seems, always in question.  

I hope to share some stories, insight, and thoughts on the job, the direction education is heading and where I hope it will go.  I certainly don't have the answers.  There are times when I wonder if I'm even making an impact, but I'm going to keep trying.  

I want to hear from teachers, educators and people in the field who feel like they can never share their voice.  I want to share my daily classroom life, although probably not daily because, ya know, grading papers and lesson planning!  My goal is a weekly update or discussion.  And although I want to be open and personal, this will be an anonymous blog.  I feel I can accomplish much more without worrying about this affecting my family, students, school or myself.  

So, talk to me teachers. . . share your stories, the good, the bad and the beautiful!  

Use that teacher voice and share what you got!  

Image result for back to school memes

September 1, 2019


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